The WIZ and the ZOZ

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." -- R. Buckminster Fuller

Please read this in order. I introduce many ideas and pieces of the total concept in sequence. Every chapter assumes you know the ideas presented in the previous chapters. If you skip around, you will not understand! -- Steven Swift


   o   The big picture

The WIZ microprocessor

   Complete schematics

   o   The WIZ circuit overview
   o   The WIZ Frontend in detail
   o   The WIZ Backend in detail
   o   Instruction timing
   o   Summary

   Examples of parallelism

   o   ILP and OOO
   o   Datapaths and pipelines

   Optional backend functions

   o   What functions are included in a standard WIZ?
   o   Simple syntax
   o   Basic arithmetic
   o   Conditional skip
   o   RAM
   o   Constants
   o   Stored programs

The SE01: a zillion WIZes on a chip

   o   The gateway circuit
   o   A chip full of WIZes
   o   Inter-WIZ functions
   o   Bare-naked WIZes
   o   WIZ-level parallelization
   o   On-chip power and radio
   o   The Power of Simplicity

The ZOZ: a zillion SE01 chips on a network

   o   OS services and the placement algorithm
   o   More chapters in progress - should be ready by end of June (2024)


   o   Contact info
   o   The Mars project
   o   Investor info
   o   Misc bits and pieces